海外から九州大学へStudy at
Kyushu University
研究生 (Research Students)
The School and Graduate School of Economics accept two types of Research Students, as explained below.
A) Research Students who have been selected as Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Students by the Japanese Embassies in their home countries, or by the universities in Japan.
For details of the MEXT scholarship with Embassy Recommendation, please inquire the Japanese Embassy in your country or your neighbor country.
B) Privately financed international students who have already completed 16 years of school education in countries other than Japan and wish to apply for the master’s and/or doctoral programs provided by the Graduate School of Economics.
このカテゴリーで応募するには、事前に日本語能力試験N1レベルまたはTOEFL iBTスコア79点以上を取得している必要があります。受入れの可否は、出願者の研究能力や本学府が提供する研究分野との適合性を考慮して決定されます。また出願の際には、本学府の教員による受入れの内諾が必要となります。プレアドミッション・サポートデスク(PSD)が受入れ教員を探す支援を行いますので、PSD Portal_JPをご覧ください。研究生は前期(4月1日~)・後期(10月1日~)それぞれの採用で、前期分は前年11月末(日本在留者の場合同年2月末)、後期分は5月末(日本在留者の場合8月末)がそれぞれ出願の締切となります。
詳細は、「九州大学経済学部・大学院経済学府 研究生の出願について」(日本語 / English)をご覧ください。
Applicants of category B) are required to obtain the level N1 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) or TOEFL Certificate (minimum score of 79 TOEFL iBT) in advance, and the admission decisions are made on the basis of full consideration of the applicant’s research capability and the feasibility of conducting his/her future research in the Graduate School of Economics.
Applicants must contact and obtain approval from our faculty members.
The Pre-admission Support Desk (PSD) will help you contact our faculty memberts. Please visit PSD Portal_EN for detail.
The Research Students program starts twice a year: April 1 and October 1. The application deadlines are November 30 of the previous year and May 31 of the current year respectively. Provided that the applicants are residing in Japan, the deadlines are February 28 and August 31 respectively.
For details, please refer to 「Application Guidelines for Research Students」(日本語 / English).
- 「研究生入学願・履歴書」 [Word] (日本語)
- Resume, Application Form (English)
- 「保証書・健康診断書」 [PDF] (日本語)
- Letter of Guarantee, Physical Examination Certificate (English)
- 「検定料の払込方法」 [PDF] (日本語)
- How to make the Payment for the Application Fee (English)
書類の詳細については、人文社会科学系事務部・教務課・経済担当 [jbkkyomu2ec[at]jimu.kyushu-u.ac.jp (*[at]を@に変更) ]にお問い合わせください
For more details, please contact the Student Affairs Section, School of Economics, Kyushu University. [jbkkyomu2ec[at]jimu.kyushu-u.ac.jp (* Please change [at] into @.)]