Submission of Master’s Thesis to Complete in March, 2024
This is the notice to those who intend to complete the master’s program of the Graduate School of Economics in March, 2024.
Students must submit the following documents to the Student Affairs Office at Faculty of Economics by the deadline.
1. Master’s Thesis
2. Master’s Thesis Abstract
3. Notification for The Title of Thesis
4. Confirmation of the Master’s Thesis Handling
You can get the designated form 3.and 4. from the URL below:
・Master’s thesis and other materials must be submitted in data format.
・Students must submit one copy of a simple binding with a black cover for safekeeping by the end of January. (Black covers can be purchased at the Co-op or stationery stores.)
【Submit to】
If you get an error with the above URL, please log in to office365 with your SSO-KID and try again.
DEADLINE: January 09 (Tue.), 2024, PM 5:00(JPN time)
* The deadline should be strictly observed.
* Replacement will NOT be permitted of any pages of the thesis or other documents after submission.
Please refer to the file for further information;
Submission of Master’s Thesis to Complete in March,2024
Student Affairs Office, Faculty of Economics
Kyushu University
744 Motooka Nishi-ku Fukuoka 819-0395